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Title: Why should SER not be used?
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Shortly said, SER (developed for planetary imaging) is simply not made for occultation recording because there are too many chances for issues (and I have seen several problematic SER occ. recordings ...).

The right format is the astronomy standard FITS. Sometimes I heard it would be slow in comparison with SER - from a lot of tests I cannot confirm this. For archiving, the single FITS can be easily compressed into one file using 7zip (better compressing) or zip.

Also ADV I can recommend, QHY174, SC, Tangra, AOTA, PyMovie and PyOTE can work with ADV,

Some background: https://forums.sharpcap.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2237, https://www.iota-es.de/JOA/JOA2020_3.pdf.

An example for SER issues you will find in JOA 2023-2 p. 5, https://iota-es.de/JOA/joa2023_2.pdf.

Christian Weber

Messages In This Thread
Why should SER not be used? - by C.Weber - 28-03-2023, 19:54
RE: Why should SER not be used? - by C.Weber - 29-03-2023, 19:56

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