25-04-2023, 22:08
Please update your Occult installation according to D. Herald's explanation below:
Update to Occult 4.2023.4.28
Please update your Occult installation according to D. Herald's explanation below:
Quote:This update is extremely important for anyone making use of the Shape Model capabilities in Occult. It is particularly important for all regional coordinators & processers of observation reports.
* A major revision to the handling of Shape Models. Recently
the models in the ISAM data base were renumbered in a
way that distinguished between models present in the
DAMIT system, and those that are only in the ISAM
system. Advantage has been taken of this to remove the
presence of duplicate models in the shape model solutions,
by only using ISAM models that are unique to the ISAM
system. [Such models have a model number of greater
than 100].
The consequences of this change have been:
i. a reduction of around 6000 in the number of shape
models retained in Occult
ii. 43 ISAM models with model numbers greater than 100
iii. A revision of the Asteroid~Observations file to
remove all ISAM shape model solutions where the ISAM
model is in DAMIT, and to renumber the remaining ISAM model
numbers to their new number in ISAM.
iv. Listing of Observed Diameters, and Shape Model
Fits [accessed from the Asteroid Observations tab]
no longer have fit results to an ISAM model where
that model is also present in DAMIT. That is, all
fit results relate to different models.
****** VERY IMPORTANT ******
This update involves a change to the Occult program
the Asteroid~Observations file, and the collection of
ShapeModel files. The inter-relationship between the
Asteroid~Observations file and the ShapeModel files
creates a complication in updating. To avoid any
possible problems, please follow the next steps closely.
1. Start with Occult not running. If you have multiple
instances of Occult running, close them all.
2. With Occult not running, locate the folder
(subdirectory) called ShapeModels in the Occult 4
directory. Rename that folder to something else - for
example 'ShapeModels_toDelete'. [The update will
create a new ShapeModels folder, which will only
have about 6000 files - compared to about 12000 in
the folder to be deleted]
*** IMPORTANT**** The next three downloads can be
done in any order. But you MUST NOT USE any OCCULT
functions until all three downloads have been
completed. In particular, do not open the Asteroid
Observations Editor until these three downloads
have been completed
3. Now run Occult. From the main menu, do the usual
update to Occult
4. After that update has finished, go straight to
the Download page, and Download #24 Shape models.
5. Finally, download #3 Asteroid observations.
Once you have done these three downloads, Occult
will be fully functional. You can also delete the
folder you renamed in step 2.
Dave Herald
Update to Occult 4.2023.4.28
Quote:A minor but important fix
The last version of Occult had a major change in the handling of ISAM shape models.
Unfortunately there was an oversight. The code has long included a check for whether new ISAM models might be available. After the revision in 4.2023.4.25, that check returned a wrong result. Furthermore, if you clicked the option to update the ISAM models, you would have downloaded all the shape models that had been deleted as part of that revision.
This version removes that check. So you will not see any invitation to download ISAM models.
Dave Herald